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Suzhou Putesi Electronic Materials Co., Ltd

Contact: Mr. Zhou

Tel.: 13375150386

Fax: 0512-5017-3952

Email: JensenZhou@hxgcsl.com

Website: www.shhtdx.com

Factory address: No. 89, Hongxin Road, Qiandeng Town, Kunshan City, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province

Office address (headquarters): Room 1617, Building 1, Lianchuang Business Building, Laoshan Road, Kunshan Development Zone

Discussion on special plastic manufacturers: deep processing is the key to the development of plastic raw material industry


Discussion on special plastic manufacturers: deep processing is the key to the development of plastic raw material industry

The driving force of economic growth "brings great opportunities to the development of light industrial consumer goods industry, including the plastic processing industry. In particular, a series of words such as" actively and steadily promote urbanization "and" accelerate the development of agricultural modernization "have brought broad market space to the plastic products industry, which is widely used in construction, packaging, automobile, furniture, household appliances, daily necessities, new rural construction and agricultural production.

Compared with the promising prospect of the plastic raw material industry, the real plastic dealers have a hard time. For plastic raw material dealers, the profit space of general resin is constantly squeezed, and its profit is no longer enough to support the growing capital and financial costs and sales expenses.

Although most ethylene plants in China have achieved integration with oil refining, the refining capacity is generally small compared with the ethylene scale.

The transformation of plastic raw materials from low-end consumer goods to top industrial consumer goods has become a major trend in the development of the industry. The operation of special materials and special materials with high scientific and technological content will become the highlight of profit pursuit. At present, the plastic processing industry has low overall equipment level, unreasonable product structure, insufficient investment in science and technology, low degree of product intensification, and the ability to withstand risks

Website of this article:http://www.shhtdx.com/en/news/357.html

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