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Suzhou Putesi Electronic Materials Co., Ltd

Contact: Mr. Zhou

Tel.: 13375150386

Fax: 0512-5017-3952

Email: JensenZhou@hxgcsl.com

Website: www.shhtdx.com

Factory address: No. 89, Hongxin Road, Qiandeng Town, Kunshan City, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province

Office address (headquarters): Room 1617, Building 1, Lianchuang Business Building, Laoshan Road, Kunshan Development Zone

High end electronic materials will continue to grow at a high speed


Electronic materials are the core of the development of the new generation information technology industry and the strategic, basic and leading industry supporting economic and social development. It is characterized by a wide range of products, high technical threshold, fast updating and strong professionalism, and is widely used in new displays, integrated circuits, solar photovoltaic, electronic circuit boards, electronic components and electronic complete machines, system products and other fields. Its quality and level directly determine the performance of components and complete machines.

At present, the development and application level of electronic materials, especially semiconductor materials, has become one of the important indicators to measure a country's comprehensive national strength. China has always attached great importance to the development of the electronic materials industry. From 2016 to 2019, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other relevant national ministries and commissions issued a series of policies and regulations to support the structural adjustment, industrial upgrading and standardization of industrial development of the electronic materials industry. This year, China has further optimized the environment for the development of semiconductor materials and other electronic materials industries, deepened international industrial cooperation, and improved industrial innovation capability and development quality.

In recent years, with the rise of Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and other new technologies, as well as the acceleration of new infrastructure projects led by 5G, the domestic electronic material industry has made considerable progress, formed a relatively complete industrial system, steadily increased the scale of the industry, and accelerated the transformation and upgrading of high-end electronic material products. In 2019, the industry's revenue exceeded 700 billion yuan, its technical strength continued to improve, and breakthroughs were made in LCD materials for display and photoresist for integrated circuits. Pan Lin, president of China Electronic Materials Industry Association, said that in 2019, China's semiconductor materials, copper clad materials, display packaging and other industries developed rapidly. The market scale of semiconductor materials has reached 56.5 billion yuan, with a compound annual growth rate of more than 7% in recent years; The sales of CCL materials reached 714 million square meters, up 10% year on year, accounting for 80% of the global market; In 2019, with the rapid release of domestic large-sized LCD panel capacity, the shipping capacity of large-sized LCD panels in China has exceeded 45% of the world. Pan Lin pointed out that despite the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic and the impact of Sino US trade friction, the development of China's electronic materials industry, high-end electronic materials represented by large-size silicon materials, silicon carbide, gallium nitride and high-frequency and high-speed copper clad laminates will still show a high-speed growth trend in the future.


Website of this article:http://www.shhtdx.com/en/news/407.html

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