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Suzhou Putesi Electronic Materials Co., Ltd

Contact: Mr. Zhou

Tel.: 13375150386

Fax: 0512-5017-3952

Email: JensenZhou@hxgcsl.com

Website: www.shhtdx.com

Factory address: No. 89, Hongxin Road, Qiandeng Town, Kunshan City, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province

Office address (headquarters): Room 1617, Building 1, Lianchuang Business Building, Laoshan Road, Kunshan Development Zone

What is the density of PPS material


The density is 1.3-1.8 grams per cubic centimeter.

Pps is a white powder with an average molecular weight of 0.4-0.5 million and a density of 1.3-1.8 grams per cubic centimeter. pps has very intentional thermal properties. The thermal performance index after glass fiber reinforcement is higher, and its maximum continuous use temperature reaches 400 ℃.

The thermal stability of pps is excellent. The weight loss is not obvious when it is heated to 500 ℃, and it will be completely degraded when it is heated to 700 ℃. Its mechanical properties decline little with the increase of temperature. After 5000 hours of thermal aging at 232 ℃, its bending strength and tensile strength can still maintain more than 50%.


The tensile strength, bending strength and other properties of pps are at the medium level in engineering plastics, while the elongation and impact strength are very low. Therefore, additives such as glass fiber, carbon fiber and filler are usually added to the stressed components to enhance their mechanical properties.

The main mechanical properties, such as tensile property, bending property, compression and impact strength, have been greatly improved, but the elongation has decreased. The modified pps can maintain high mechanical properties and dimensional stability under long-term load and thermal load, so they can be used in the stress environment with high temperature.


Website of this article:http://www.shhtdx.com/en/news/413.html

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