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Suzhou Putesi Electronic Materials Co., Ltd

Contact: Mr. Zhou

Tel.: 13375150386

Fax: 0512-5017-3952

Email: JensenZhou@hxgcsl.com

Website: www.shhtdx.com

Factory address: No. 89, Hongxin Road, Qiandeng Town, Kunshan City, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province

Office address (headquarters): Room 1617, Building 1, Lianchuang Business Building, Laoshan Road, Kunshan Development Zone


PC  CF20
Detailed introduction:

Polyethersulfone resin, the raw material of PPA plastic chemical industry, is a transparent amber amorphous resin with excellent heat resistance, excellent dimensional stability, and good chemical resistance. In addition, PES shows excellent reliability for rapid temperature changes, and has excellent reliability for long-term use at high temperatures. The excellent processability and excellent properties make PES widely used. Polyethersulfone resin (PES) is a thermoplastic polymer material with excellent comprehensive performance developed by ICI in 1972. It is one of the few special engineering plastics currently used.

PPA plastic has excellent heat resistance, physical and mechanical properties, insulation properties, etc., especially has the outstanding advantages of continuous use at high temperatures and stability in the environment of rapid changes in temperature. It has been widely used in many fields. Recently, foreign news reported that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), because the research published by Dr. Conan of Yale University in the New England Journal of Medicine confirmed that PPA use in weight loss, even under normal dosage, regardless of short-term or long-term effect, will increase the probability of female stroke by 16.58 times, and the risk of female stroke for the first time is up to 3.13 times. In terms of weight loss, the average use of PPA by both sexes still has a risk of 15.92 times as high as hemorrhagic stroke. Therefore, FDA banned the sale of PPA.

In this study, 702 patients with cerebral hemorrhage were collected from 43 hospitals in the United States, and 1376 control patients were studied. PPA plastic This study concluded that the use of PPA in weight loss is indeed a risk factor for women, and if it is used in the treatment of colds, it is a possible risk factor. After the assessment by the National Health Administration, it is believed that the use of PPA plastic in China is small, and PPA is not banned in Europe and Japan, so China will continue to use PPA, but limit the use of large doses. All PPAs absorb a certain amount of water. PPA plastics cause plasticization and size change. Among them, the more intuitive and more concerned hot spot is the disposal of post consumer plastics in urban solid waste. The environmental pollution caused by a large number of disposable packaging products, such as plastic bags, tableware, etc., especially disposable polystyrene foam lunch boxes, has not only aroused widespread concern in the society, but also led to the fate of prohibiting the use by the end of 2000.


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